region between heart and diaphragm
返回 19 条匹配短语对
disharmony between heart and kidney
exposition syncretism between heart and principle
intercourse between heart and kidney
restoring normal coordination between heart and kidney
syndrome of disharmony between heart and kidney
Arid region and semiarid region
Border Region between China and Vietnam
Boundary region between soil and rock
City and region
cold region and black soil
cross region between farm and grass land
cross region between farmland and grassland
entrance region between two parallel plates
law of division of labor and region
layer and region
Line and Region
low speed region and zero speed
multi-region and multi-port
province and region integration
hepatic gene therapydisparity spacemixing ratio of sugar to sweeteners灵敏度损失氨氮化QBH系统奥德里康普瑞丁磷酸酯二钠专业规范和军工特色